Monday, November 30, 2015

Kindly, LEAD the way

An essential piece of being a confident person is knowing how to be a great leader. One must be confident in themselves and their abilities in order to guide and assist others. 

There are more than 50 qualities that have been identified to be apart of being a great leader, and there are 7 leadership qualities that stand out more than the rest, and luckily for us, fed and play off of one another!

Great leaders have vision. They know where they are going and how they are going to get there. They have a specific goal in mind and can determine the steps the need to take along the way. People who are simply in control may know how to get the job done, but leaders implement passion and excitement into their employees.

Courage is the second quality great leaders must have. One must be brave and willing to take risks, with no assurance of success. Every commitment and action that can be taken may not always go as planned, however this is where most success can derive from. Therefore it is extremely important for a leader to be brave.

The third quality is integrity. It is important for leaders to be honest internally and externally. A leader needs to be truthful to their followers so that everyone can trust in them.

Humility is another important quality that makes up a great leader. It shows one is able to accept failure or defeat and admit that they are wrong. This is a quality that requires self confidence. Many people who lack self esteem may struggle to accept that they are wrong. It takes a strong person to recognize the value in others and accept that you do not know the answer to every issue, and that it is okay to seek help. 

The fifth quality is strategic planning. Having the ability to look ahead and anticipate with some accuracy the industry they are in and the trends that are occurring. They continually ask if they are going in the correct direction. 

Leaders also focus on the results. It is important to have your eyes set on what you need to achieve so the entire group of people can know exactly what the goal in mind is.
Lastly, leaders concentrate on the needs of people. They are kind and accommodating to their group/employees/etc. and are able to sympathize when needed. At the same time, they know when they must guide people to work harder and become better at what they are doing. 

With these qualities in mind you will be on your way to being a great, impactful leader.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Like A Girl

The company Always came out with a genius campaign this year, entitled "#LikeAGirl." If you haven't seen the advertisement yet put it at the top of your to do list, it's a must watch. 

Always created this campaign because of the way society limits girls and tells them who they should be and or how they should act. The company says, "We box them into expected roles." 

According to their website, 72% of girls feel as though society limits them, especially during the time of puberty. This is the time where confidence plummets, and society is completing aiding this downwards spiral. 

Always is on a mission to diminish the spiral and keep confidence high during puberty and beyond. 

This campaign is an incredible message to young women and girls, showing them to stop letting society categorize us and limit our incredible and talented abilities. No matter how many times I watch this video, I get goose bumps every time. It is so mind blowing to watch the older girls run and fight "like a girl" all weak and silly, and then see the girls who have not yet reached puberty, run and fight to their fullest potential. It is heart breaking actually to see this incredible difference.

My favorite part of the campaign is when the older girls ask to change their original answers, and then run and fight and work to their fullest potential, like a girl. 

Great job, Always. Such an empowering message. Watch the campaign below!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Body Language Kontinued

In junction with my latest blog post, I have come up with a list of powerful body language tips that you should start putting into action each day!

1. Engaging body language

If you want your professor to extend your project deadline, get the boy to like you, reach an agreement with a friend, using engaged body language gives you more confidence in your argument or speech and sends a message of power to those you are addressing. Try using friendly and open hand movements, smiling and nodding when the other speaks, and subtly mirroring the facial expressions of the other.

2. Keep yourself open and approachable.

Crossing your arms suggests you are acting defensive, protective, and closed off from others. It can also display dislike or discomfort. In keeping yourself open, you show comfort and confidence and set yourself up for being easily approachable.

3. A strong handshake.

Strong handshake. Strong handshake. Strong handshake. I could say this over and over again because it is so incredibly important. Having a good firm handshake is absolutely essential in today's world. It is a universal sign of greeting's, power, dismissal's, confidence, and agreement's. This is one thing I have been taught to nail and it surely has paid off. (I am not kidding you here) I have been hired solemnly based off my "impressive handshake." I use it everywhere I go. If you are meeting with an advisor, walk in, introduce yourself, and be the FIRST one to put your hand out confidently to firmly shake their hand. If you meet someone at a restaurant, speak to a manager of a store, run into a stranger on a street, I promise you it will not go unnoticed. You will pleasantly surprise many people with your professional and confident gesture. Be sure to have a strong arm and grip, but not a crushing one. A quick shake up and down is perfect, and lock eyes for at least 2 seconds.

4. Don't fuss or fidget.

Fidgeting is the most obvious sign for absolute anxiousness. It is clear that when an individual is fussing with something such as an object, their clothes, or their hair, that they are quite nervous. It is important not to let people see your lack of confidence. It is completely okay to be nervous. There are many times in life you should be! But if you tell yourself you are going to be okay, and keep control of the twirling hair and shaking foot, you will help calm yourself down. Take deep breaths and velieve in yourself. It's that easy.

Body language is Key

Take a moment to note how you are currently sitting or standing. Are your shoulders slouched over and is your back hunched? Where are your arms? What expression do you have on your face?

At any moment, someone important and influential could walk in the room. Perhaps a potential new friend, a professor, or maybe even a future boss. What signals is your current body language channeling to them? Think of all the preconceptions they might make of you simply on your posture.

Although silent and underrated, body language is an extremely important language of its own. A large percent of communication comes from how you hold yourself and present yourself through body language.

It is important to pay attention to your posture, gestures, facial expressions, and even eye movements. Body language says what the voice doesn't. It can show you feeling tired, bored, frustrated, angry, and many of these feelings you do not want to be displaying all of the time.

Maintaining and controlling your body language can help you boost your self confidence in two ways.

1. By managing your body language and sending appropriate non verbal messages to those around you, you will receive positive feedback. This will help you feel confident that you are not limiting potential success in the future due to the opinions of others.

2. Secondly, when you practice strong and confident body language it in turn it actually helps you FEEL confident and strong.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Killer Konfidence Quotes to live by!

If there's one thing I love to do on the internet, its look up quotes. If I'm sitting at home watching tv, I'll boost up my hot pink computer and head straight for the quotes. If I'm bored in class (shhh) or can't sleep at night, I'm scrolling through my computer looking quotes up.

My favorite site to find quotes is hands down, the one and only Pinterest.

Pinterest is, as you all hopefully know, the most amazing tool for anything and everything you will ever need in life, especially quotes.

If you're ever feeling down on yourself? Look up "motivational quotes" or "inspiring quotes." Feeling happy, boost that even more with "happy quotes." Quotes help me make it through those tough Monday's and dragging, jam-packed weeks!

Here are some of my favorite quotes about confidence below!

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Konfidence Interview!

This past week I was asked to do an interview about confidence! I answered questions about how I got my confidence, the steps I took, and how it aids me in my life. Read it below!

1. Please describe yourself as a person, specifically how you are a drive and confident person

I think of myself as a very outgoing person. I tend to put myself out there and go after most opportunities that come my way. I love being involved and helping out. I am in student government as the sophomore class representative. I am also the vice president of public relations of a public speaking and leadership club. I am also a sister of Kappa Delta sorority and ironically one of our foundations is confidence, where we inspire confidence in women and young girls. All in all, I think of myself as a friendly and positive person.

2. What events in your life have led you to be this confident?

Growing up I wasn't always the most confident person. I was shy, afraid of people's opinions, and tended to lay low. I had terrible glasses and a mouth full of braces, which basically equaled zero self confidence for me. The summer before eighth grade I got my braces taken off and bought contacts. Basically from that point on I felt like a whole new person. When we went back to school I started making more friends and putting myself out there. Back then I guess I thought this change in attitude was because of the change in my appearance, but looking back it wasn't that at all. Looking back I wasn't even that different looking. I gained all of these new friends and popularity BECAUSE I believed in myself. That's what it's ALL about. Believing in yourself, and once you do that people will start believing in you too.

3. Whats steps have you taken to build your confidence?

I wouldn't really consider there to be steps or a ladder to self confidence. There is no guidelines. It's really just a lifestyle. You just have to wake up one day and decide you' re going to believe in yourself. Me personally, I just started joining clubs, asking people to hang out more, and most importantly I stopped caring what other people thought. People are so scared of others opinions that we grow shy, and we let it hurt our confidence. I learned to not let that bother me, and people need to do the same.

4. How do you think your confidence helps you in life?

Confidence is essential. Everybody needs it. Having confidence has allowed me to act like a leader, and not be afraid of taking control. I voice my opinions and I'm not afraid to stand up for what I believe in because of it. It gives me the courage to walk into a room of strangers and accomplish whatever needs to be done. It helps me make friends, make connections, and enhances my opportunities for the future.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Kappa Delta Konfidence

High Point University's Kappa Delta Sorority holds 150 sisters that are all bouncing with self-confidence. 

Now, I'm still not sure if it is irony or fate, but I myself am one of these sisters.

When I chose Kappa Delta I had no debate in my head over which sorority I wanted, I simply knew KD was home. Throughout the rush process I never understood what it was that drew me towards this specific house of girls, I just knew it was where I wanted to be. 

The girls were happy and friendly and I felt welcomed and accepted. I looked up to the girls and knew they were the type of people I wanted to surround myself with. They were incredibly involved around campus taking on many leadership roles in a big variety of clubs and earning A's in all of their classes. They told me they have had the highest GPA on campus for the past 20 years and have earned an award for being the number one sorority on campus numerous times. 

So, what made all of these girls so great?

When I started to attend member education classes and learn about my new sorority, I discovered that one of their main foundations and platforms for is confidence. Ironic, right? The sister's goals are to inspire each other to be more confident in themselves. They work in the community and hold work workshops to help teach young girls to believe in themselves. When one girl is down, the sorority picks them back up together. 

From the outside looking in, I could never understand it. But now being apart of this amazing organization I finally understand what it was that made me so attracted to this sorority, their confidence. 

How many times have I said it? Confidence is key! The sorority is so confident and involved and inspiring because of this. 

People are attracted to other people who believe in themselves.

This is a clear example and lesson to learn. Be confident. Whether you know it or not, people will take notice and people will appreciate it. 


Thursday, October 8, 2015

The Konfident Code

For decades women have been stepping backs and letting the men control the game.

For some crazy reason, women are less self assured than men, statistically proven. Despite great efforts and the success of millions of women, there still lies a substantial gab in our confidence levels.

According to a Harvard scholar, this difference can play a big role in explaining differences in academic success, career choices, and job progression.

The scholar says their is data on college graduates that shows women are less likely to apply for jobs with competitive compensation schemes. In the end this boxes women out of many jobs with high paying salaries. He explains that this is why careers in fields such as finance are traditionally dominated by men. 

This is where us women, striving to be confident and successful come in. Below are some tips on how to break this stereotype of sitting back and letting men dominate, and how to lose that confidence gap. 

1. Dress for success
2. Understand and accept that we are all created equal
3. Put your thoughts in place. Think positive. Believe you can do it.
4. Know your goal. Knowing what you want is key, and go from there.
5. Be thankful. Understand you are blessed by all the opportunities that come your way.
6. Bounce back. Don't let failure hold you down. 
7. Find a mentor. Look up to the billions of other successful women out there. 
8. Surround yourself with good people. Have companions that raise you higher, not bring you down.
9. Do your homework. Study up before a job interview. Prepare. Take notes.
10. Breathe. Destress. Relax.

Don't add to the statistics, break them. 

XO *

Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Plus size model, Jessica Vander Leahy recently released her new web series entitled #ProjectWomanKIND. 

Vander Leahy, according to Cosmopolitan, told reporters that she was "inspired to launch the series after receiving emails from young girls asking for body-image advice. She recruited her fellow plus side models to help launch the series broadcasting one on one interviews where each woman speaks of personal body image issues, the fashion industry, and gives advice. 

"Body image is something that is obsessed over." Leahy said. "I wanted to create something where women could talk about the natural highs and the lows they might go through on the journey to accepting themselves - physically, emotionally, everything." 

According to Cosmo the campaign is paying off and that it has been proving to help encourage other girls to accept their bodies and learn to love themselves. 

I love campaigns like these. #ProjectWomanKIND and all the other body image love campaigns are so important for women living in today's grueling and judgmental society. In order to be confident we all must believe in ourselves and believe in the beauty of our bodies. 

I think that it is important to understand that you should accept yourself no matter what your body type is. There are many campaigns out there now to promote the acceptance of plus sized woman and that is wonderful but you should be accepting yourself whether you're a size 14 or a size 0. Although this campaign by Vander Leahy is promoting love for bigger woman, if you are a petite girl or naturally skin and bones that is beautiful too. There are many body types that don't receive the attention that they also deserve. 

Keep in mind the beauty of all shapes and sizes, heights, widths, etc. Big is beautiful, but small is beautiful too. I often hear so many girls putting down women for being tiny and skinny. 

"She must be anorexic." "She must be bulimic." 

"Real women have curves." So does this imply that if a women doesn't have curves that she is not real? 

Someone needs to stand up for the naturally skinny women out there who are put down for their genes. That is my goal here. To say yes big girls are beautiful but bones are beautiful too. Why is it okay for women to say, "you're so skinny you should eat a burger." This is body shaming. What if the skinny girl turned around and said "you're so fat you shouldn't eat that burger." Either way, BOTH of these statements are unacceptable. It is not okay to put down women who are more than a size six, and not okay to put down woman who are less than a size six. 

Although, again I am in complete support of this campaign #ProjectWomenKIND, where is the campaign that promotes every single body type? Keep this in mind when going out and seeing different body ad's and promotions everywhere. Every woman, big, small, wide, thick, boney, is awesome. Respect them. Love them. Encourage them. 

We will never rise up by bringing each other down.


Thursday, September 24, 2015

Koming out Konfident

Beep. Beep. Beep. That noise you dreaded all night long goes off and you find yourself stumbling out of bed to the bathroom. You tiredly look in the mirror and what runs through your head? Most likely you're thinking of all the work you're about to put in to your appearance for the next 45 minutes. 

Maybe straightening your naturally bouncy, big curls is your first step. Next you find yourself layering on foundation to cover one tiny imperfection and swiping coats of bronzer onto your cheekbones. Before you know it you've been awake for an hour and you still don't feel perfect enough to begin your day. 

If this isn't you then you're one of the lucky ones. More specifically, you would be apart of the mere four percent of women in the world who call themselves "beautiful," according to Dove.  

Dove says a shocking 72  percent of girls feel "tremendous pressure" to look beautiful everyday yet 80 percent agree that every woman has something about her that is beautiful but that they do not see their own beauty.

This is our problem.

We believe in the beauty of other women but not ourselves. We must believe in our own beauty. We mustn't wake up at the first sign of sunshine to start changing everything about ourselves. We should rock our natural beauty. A little bit of makeup to brighten up your mood is A Ok! But use the makeup to enhance your natural beauty, don't cover it up. 

So instead of looking at yourself every morning and groaning about the "work" that needs to be done. Tell yourself you're beautiful. Enhance yourself a little, and walk out your door ready to conquer your day. 

**Below are quick tips to help you wake up feeling even more beautiful
  • Jergens Natural Glow Face Tanner - Tans your face naturally while moisturizing! Who needs bronzer now?
  • Brazilian Even Straight Keratin Treatment - Minimize your straightening time with this silkening and natural straightening oil
  • Sleep on your back! According to experiments sleeping on your stomach can lead to unwanted facial lines & bags
  • Eye cream - any brand of brightening eye cream will minimize the look of tiredness in the morning
  • Leave in conditioner - smooth on a nickel size amount of leave in conditioner to wake up with silky soft hair
Most importantly, wake up and tell yourself how great you look. You deserve it.

Till next time ~~

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Konfident Spotlight

We all need someone to look up too, and who better than the Queen B herself, Beyonce.

She is the perfect modern day example of a driven, successful, talented woman. She "runs the world" with her 16 grammy awards and record breaking albums, while being a devoted wife and mother all at the same time.

According to she has won multiple performance awards, has the record for the fastest selling album on iTunes, and has performed at the Super Bowl. She even made Forbes top 10 list of entertainment's highest earning women and has produced 5 albums. All of this and I can't even find time to go to the gym?!

Most importantly, Beyonce deserves this recognition because she is able to balance all of these achievements and successes while having a husband and daughter, and keeping her head on straight! (As we know most celebrities struggle to do)

Beyonce is one of my favorite inspiring women because of her many quotes about confidence and success. Here are some of my favorites!

"I don't like to gamble, but if there's one thing I'm willing to bet on it's myself."

"I don't have to prove anything to anyone. I only have to follow my heart and concentrate on what I want to say to the world. I run my world."

"The most alluring thing a woman can have is confidence."

"I'm not bossy. I'm the boss."

"Power is not given to you. You have to take it."

Let's all strive to bring out a little inner Beyonce each and every day.


Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Kasual Makeup

Like most women, makeup is my best friend and worst enemy. We hate that we love it so much. I would never say makeup is a necessity or that it is essential to confidence, but on a day you need a little pick me up or a boost of extra confidence there are hundreds of quick and simple ways to get the job done.

If you're looking for a natural and easy makeup routine here is what I recommend!

    (Image from Popsugar Inc)
  1. Mascara - I could literally put this for every other number because it takes about 30 seconds to apply and makes a world of a difference. Swipe on a few coats of your favorite mascara  and you will feel a world of a difference. Wake up your eyes with my favorite brand Maybelline Colossal for only $7.49!
  2. Concealer - Dabbing on a few drops of concealer here and there will cover up pimples and dark spots, so you can quit worrying about them and focus on bigger and better things!
  3. White eyeliner - Adding a couple dabs of white eyeliner in the corner of your eyes by your nose will make your eyes like 10x bigger and 10x brighter! Look, even Blake Lively does it! 
    Picture by Cosmopolitan 
  4. Blush - Purchase a bright shade of blush and sweep it across your cheekbones with a fluffy brush before scrambling out the door. It'll add a pop of color to your face and make people notice you. 
  5. Did i say Mascara

Tyra Banks once said, "I love the confidence makeup gives me." 

See for yourself 


Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Kockiness Vs. Konfidence

"Nothing Makes a Woman More Beautiful than the Belief that She is Beautiful"

This quote from Sophia Loren is one to remember.

Now what exactly does this mean? I can tell you that it does not mean having a self absorbed attitude. It does not mean walking around thinking that you are the best looking thing on this planet. But it does mean that you are comfortable in your own skin. It means believing that how you look and who you are, is utterly and completely beautiful.

It is important to understand the huge difference between cockiness and confidence. The definition of cockiness is arrogant; pertly self assertive; conceited. The definition of confidence on the other hand is full trust; belief in the powers; belief in oneself; self-reliance.

Distinguishing between the two is extremely important. People who are cocky obtain confidence but it derives from a different place than true belief in oneself. Cocky people brag and boast in search of attention and praise. They try to go above and beyond the norm, and flaunt it. Confident people do not need the reassurance in the things they do. If you take away the praising support system of a cocky person they are left with nothing. You've got confidence but no praise? Not a problem.

There are many ways to spot the difference between cockiness and confidence and steer clear of it. The most important way to establish the difference is to accept that you are a human being. You are not Queen Bee. We make mistakes and we fail and we crumble and we sometimes break down. BUT if you believe in yourself it doesn't matter.  Failure equals success and if you want to be confident you must understand that. We accept defeat and learn from our mistakes. Arrogance is never admitting to failures. Cockiness is going to extremes to try to prove you're superior and perfect 25/7. Don't do that! So, believe in the bad, dark days. Strive through your failures because the confident person knows that is where you will find the light. 

Always stay humble & stay kind.

Believe in your abilities because you are capable of so much. Believe that you're intelligent. Believe that you are courageous. Strong. Independent. Funny. Believe in yourself. Believe in your beauty.

Remember, "nothing makes a woman more beautiful than the belief, that she is beautiful."

P.S Click here to read four different ways you can differentiate arrogance and self assurance, and learn to stray from that dark side.

Till next time~

Monday, September 14, 2015

Killing the Konfidence Game

What do women want? To look good and feel even better. We want to walk with our heads held high and without a care in the world. To feel pretty in a new dress with tall high heels and beautiful in oversized sweatpants and a pony.

But there's a problem here. How many girls do we actually know that have the total confidence in who they are to act and feel this way? Not many.

My wish is for women everywhere to know their worth and own it. Too many of us hide behind men. Too many of us stray from our dreams in fear. Too many feel unqualified. Unequal. Underestimated. What is the answer to our problem? Take a guess. 

Therefore, I have compiled a list of tips on how to be confident. 

1. Stand up tall 
Nothing makes you look like a scared little puppy more than standing hunched over and small. Push your shoulders back and lift your chin up. Act like you know what you're doing because you do.

2. Smile
Don't fly under the radar. Instead, flash your big smile and people will notice you. It's the best accessory a girl can wear. Additionally, keep 'em pearly white! Use these once every few months to brighten them up. (The CVS/Rite Aid brand works A ok too!)

3. Embrace your superstitions
If wearing lucky underwear or a special bracelet from your second grade best friend will you help you do better on that test or kill your interview, do it! It's not silly or childish, in fact studies show that obtaining an object like this leads to better performance and setting higher goals.

4. Strap on your sneakers
Yeah yeah, laying in bed makes me feel pretty awesome too, but according to Science Daily getting in a work out can lead to higher levels of confidence and less stress. (Bonus, you can usually spot some good looking guys at the gym!)

5. Fake it till you make it
Lots of us have been placed in situations that make us feel weird, awkward, and uncomfortable, (Literally me everyday) but flashing that smile I mentioned earlier and speaking up will actually help you become more confident. Once you learn that you can fake it through almost any situation it will help boost your confidence the next time you're placed in that uncomfortable awkwardness.

6. Be kind to yourself
Your body is beautiful, keep your mind beautiful too. No one has the perfect body, perfect hair, and perfect eyes, but you are the perfect YOU. Keep reminding yourself that and if you don't believe it now, one day you will.

7. Sleep
If you're anything like me, convincing you to get a little extra sleep each night won't be a difficult task. This article explains how a lack of sleep causes stress and over sensitivity. If your craving a skinny Starbs latte and your friend isn't, chances are you're going to get more upset than if you just hit the sack a little earlier. The article explains that this leads to feelings of disconnect, frustration, and self doubt. So ladies hit the hay!

8. Keep a happy crew
If your friends are depressing you're probably depressing :( Surround yourself with happy and positive people with goals and ambitions. Don't hang out with the lazy crowd and the junkies. Positivity spreads like wildfire. Feed from it.

Stay tuned for more on how to boost your confidence. Till then!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Kaptivating Good Information

I don't know about you, but with the internet being an overwhelming splurge of information I find it difficult to get exactly what I want when I want it. (& trust me, I'm good at that) With News, Facebook, Wikipedia, blogs, campaigns, advertisements around every click how are we suppose to pick, chose, and discover what we need?

When it comes down to news and advice on confidence, women, and success, I've got your back. Below I've listed five websites that will help you find what you're looking for, starting with lucky number one,

If you're looking for fitness, food, shopping, and entertainment this is the site for you. I can't express how many times I've seen links on Facebook or Pinterest that look super interesting and every time they bring me to POPSUGAR. Here I find all my workout tips, (that boost confidence) recipes, and helpful life tricks/hacks. This site is the #1 independent media & technology company for women and I highly recommend it to all of you!
Audience: Women searching for everyday lifestyle information

The Huffington Post Women
With the Huffington Post being a massive site full of current and breaking news stories 24/7, it is next to impossible to come across stories specifically on women in the news. With tabs reading, "Women's Health" and "Powerful Women" this site will to keep you educated and up to date with women's issues and advice as well as teaching you about powerful role models and much more. Advancing this page even further is the empowering and motivating quotes found when scrolling the site. Staying up to date with news, getting women's advice, and reading about inspirational people, what could be better?
Link: Huffington Post Women
Audience: Anyone interested in news focusing on women

What do women like? (Besides being super independent & intelligent of course) Fashion. Love. Health. Sex. Weddings. Beauty. Celebs. Politics. Must I continue? Follow it all on Glamour. "5 Minute Healthy Snacks," 3 Things You Can Do to Keep Your Brain Healthy," and "Skin Care 101" and just a few of the article titles that you can find. Boost up your confidence by taking a peak at some of their great links and articles.
Audience: Women looking for health and lifestyle articles

Ladies, I may love all the sites about health, fashion, and beauty, but something I find even more important is success. In a world where women are still facing wage discrepancies and inequality, I can't think of anything more exciting than showing men what we really can do. The website Success is a great tool loaded with information on businesses, personal development, professionalism, and more. Use this website when landing that new job, when trying for a new promotion, or just because you want to be damn awesome. "4 Simple Steps to Live Your Dreams." "Secret to Getting What you Want in Life." I sure know what I'm reading after I post this!
Link: Success
Audience: Anyone striving to advance themselves and learn to be more successful

Last but not least,
Forbes Woman
Another site all about you guys. A site where the women are the writers. The horizon of information is not strictly limited to women in the news, instead the information is vast, breaking, and useful; simply created by women authors. Need I say more?
Link: Forbes Woman
Audience: Anyone looking for news & information, especially news written by women