Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Kockiness Vs. Konfidence

"Nothing Makes a Woman More Beautiful than the Belief that She is Beautiful"

This quote from Sophia Loren is one to remember.

Now what exactly does this mean? I can tell you that it does not mean having a self absorbed attitude. It does not mean walking around thinking that you are the best looking thing on this planet. But it does mean that you are comfortable in your own skin. It means believing that how you look and who you are, is utterly and completely beautiful.

It is important to understand the huge difference between cockiness and confidence. The definition of cockiness is arrogant; pertly self assertive; conceited. The definition of confidence on the other hand is full trust; belief in the powers; belief in oneself; self-reliance.

Distinguishing between the two is extremely important. People who are cocky obtain confidence but it derives from a different place than true belief in oneself. Cocky people brag and boast in search of attention and praise. They try to go above and beyond the norm, and flaunt it. Confident people do not need the reassurance in the things they do. If you take away the praising support system of a cocky person they are left with nothing. You've got confidence but no praise? Not a problem.

There are many ways to spot the difference between cockiness and confidence and steer clear of it. The most important way to establish the difference is to accept that you are a human being. You are not Queen Bee. We make mistakes and we fail and we crumble and we sometimes break down. BUT if you believe in yourself it doesn't matter.  Failure equals success and if you want to be confident you must understand that. We accept defeat and learn from our mistakes. Arrogance is never admitting to failures. Cockiness is going to extremes to try to prove you're superior and perfect 25/7. Don't do that! So, believe in the bad, dark days. Strive through your failures because the confident person knows that is where you will find the light. 

Always stay humble & stay kind.

Believe in your abilities because you are capable of so much. Believe that you're intelligent. Believe that you are courageous. Strong. Independent. Funny. Believe in yourself. Believe in your beauty.

Remember, "nothing makes a woman more beautiful than the belief, that she is beautiful."

P.S Click here to read four different ways you can differentiate arrogance and self assurance, and learn to stray from that dark side.

Till next time~

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