Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Plus size model, Jessica Vander Leahy recently released her new web series entitled #ProjectWomanKIND. 

Vander Leahy, according to Cosmopolitan, told reporters that she was "inspired to launch the series after receiving emails from young girls asking for body-image advice. She recruited her fellow plus side models to help launch the series broadcasting one on one interviews where each woman speaks of personal body image issues, the fashion industry, and gives advice. 

"Body image is something that is obsessed over." Leahy said. "I wanted to create something where women could talk about the natural highs and the lows they might go through on the journey to accepting themselves - physically, emotionally, everything." 

According to Cosmo the campaign is paying off and that it has been proving to help encourage other girls to accept their bodies and learn to love themselves. 

I love campaigns like these. #ProjectWomanKIND and all the other body image love campaigns are so important for women living in today's grueling and judgmental society. In order to be confident we all must believe in ourselves and believe in the beauty of our bodies. 

I think that it is important to understand that you should accept yourself no matter what your body type is. There are many campaigns out there now to promote the acceptance of plus sized woman and that is wonderful but you should be accepting yourself whether you're a size 14 or a size 0. Although this campaign by Vander Leahy is promoting love for bigger woman, if you are a petite girl or naturally skin and bones that is beautiful too. There are many body types that don't receive the attention that they also deserve. 

Keep in mind the beauty of all shapes and sizes, heights, widths, etc. Big is beautiful, but small is beautiful too. I often hear so many girls putting down women for being tiny and skinny. 

"She must be anorexic." "She must be bulimic." 

"Real women have curves." So does this imply that if a women doesn't have curves that she is not real? 

Someone needs to stand up for the naturally skinny women out there who are put down for their genes. That is my goal here. To say yes big girls are beautiful but bones are beautiful too. Why is it okay for women to say, "you're so skinny you should eat a burger." This is body shaming. What if the skinny girl turned around and said "you're so fat you shouldn't eat that burger." Either way, BOTH of these statements are unacceptable. It is not okay to put down women who are more than a size six, and not okay to put down woman who are less than a size six. 

Although, again I am in complete support of this campaign #ProjectWomenKIND, where is the campaign that promotes every single body type? Keep this in mind when going out and seeing different body ad's and promotions everywhere. Every woman, big, small, wide, thick, boney, is awesome. Respect them. Love them. Encourage them. 

We will never rise up by bringing each other down.


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