Thursday, November 19, 2015

Body Language Kontinued

In junction with my latest blog post, I have come up with a list of powerful body language tips that you should start putting into action each day!

1. Engaging body language

If you want your professor to extend your project deadline, get the boy to like you, reach an agreement with a friend, using engaged body language gives you more confidence in your argument or speech and sends a message of power to those you are addressing. Try using friendly and open hand movements, smiling and nodding when the other speaks, and subtly mirroring the facial expressions of the other.

2. Keep yourself open and approachable.

Crossing your arms suggests you are acting defensive, protective, and closed off from others. It can also display dislike or discomfort. In keeping yourself open, you show comfort and confidence and set yourself up for being easily approachable.

3. A strong handshake.

Strong handshake. Strong handshake. Strong handshake. I could say this over and over again because it is so incredibly important. Having a good firm handshake is absolutely essential in today's world. It is a universal sign of greeting's, power, dismissal's, confidence, and agreement's. This is one thing I have been taught to nail and it surely has paid off. (I am not kidding you here) I have been hired solemnly based off my "impressive handshake." I use it everywhere I go. If you are meeting with an advisor, walk in, introduce yourself, and be the FIRST one to put your hand out confidently to firmly shake their hand. If you meet someone at a restaurant, speak to a manager of a store, run into a stranger on a street, I promise you it will not go unnoticed. You will pleasantly surprise many people with your professional and confident gesture. Be sure to have a strong arm and grip, but not a crushing one. A quick shake up and down is perfect, and lock eyes for at least 2 seconds.

4. Don't fuss or fidget.

Fidgeting is the most obvious sign for absolute anxiousness. It is clear that when an individual is fussing with something such as an object, their clothes, or their hair, that they are quite nervous. It is important not to let people see your lack of confidence. It is completely okay to be nervous. There are many times in life you should be! But if you tell yourself you are going to be okay, and keep control of the twirling hair and shaking foot, you will help calm yourself down. Take deep breaths and velieve in yourself. It's that easy.

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