Mock Profile

Kendra Bickford, the 2018 class representative at High Point University, attended her second student government meeting of the semester last Thursday.

As a class officer, it is her job to attend meetings, provide insight and suggestions, participate in debate and vote on bills. She tries to represent the opinion of her class to the best of her ability and to make decisions for the betterment of the university.

“The ability to represent, suggest and make a difference for my peers has got to be my favorite part of the job,” Bickford said after the meeting in Phillips Lecture Hall.

In a few short weeks, Bickford will present a bill to the governing body requesting a donation of $5,000 dollars in the name of the university to a charity close to her heart. The donation will benefit the life of a young girl named Addie who has a terminal and undiagnosed brain disease.

This picture shows Kendra attending her
induction into SGA last fall.
Photo credit: Alex Hosteller
Last year, Bickford ran across Addie’s picture on a heartbreaking web page telling the girl’s story. She has continued to follow the page for updates on new findings and discoveries from Addie’s long days of treatment and checkups.

Bickford said she is confident that the governing student body will provide this donation and help young Addie.

“That’s what we do,” Bickford said. “We help people.

She says the officers of student government do a lot to assist their students and support the clubs. The student government tries it's best to send students on academic trips and outings that help improve their education. They also make changes to things around the University such as dining halls and restaurants as well as security and safety.

"We even do the little things like making sure the grille’s door to the pool’s unlocked so you don’t have to put your food down and swipe to the outside," Bickford said. "Silly little things that most kids probably don’t even notice we do, we do it. But most importantly of all of these things is that we help our University make a mark in the world.”

High Point University’s student government passes numerous bills, such as one’s like her upcoming bill for Addie, that work towards aiding and advancing the world outside the walls of the beautiful school. She disclosed that multiple clubs are given the money to travel to different countries to aid those is need. The students do volunteer work such as building homes and assisting in hospitals.

“We do this by giving students the opportunity to make a big difference without reaching in and taking that difference from their own pockets." Bickford said “And being apart of a University that works and strives not only for the betterment of the students but for the amelioration of the nation is truly something special."

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