Monday, September 14, 2015

Killing the Konfidence Game

What do women want? To look good and feel even better. We want to walk with our heads held high and without a care in the world. To feel pretty in a new dress with tall high heels and beautiful in oversized sweatpants and a pony.

But there's a problem here. How many girls do we actually know that have the total confidence in who they are to act and feel this way? Not many.

My wish is for women everywhere to know their worth and own it. Too many of us hide behind men. Too many of us stray from our dreams in fear. Too many feel unqualified. Unequal. Underestimated. What is the answer to our problem? Take a guess. 

Therefore, I have compiled a list of tips on how to be confident. 

1. Stand up tall 
Nothing makes you look like a scared little puppy more than standing hunched over and small. Push your shoulders back and lift your chin up. Act like you know what you're doing because you do.

2. Smile
Don't fly under the radar. Instead, flash your big smile and people will notice you. It's the best accessory a girl can wear. Additionally, keep 'em pearly white! Use these once every few months to brighten them up. (The CVS/Rite Aid brand works A ok too!)

3. Embrace your superstitions
If wearing lucky underwear or a special bracelet from your second grade best friend will you help you do better on that test or kill your interview, do it! It's not silly or childish, in fact studies show that obtaining an object like this leads to better performance and setting higher goals.

4. Strap on your sneakers
Yeah yeah, laying in bed makes me feel pretty awesome too, but according to Science Daily getting in a work out can lead to higher levels of confidence and less stress. (Bonus, you can usually spot some good looking guys at the gym!)

5. Fake it till you make it
Lots of us have been placed in situations that make us feel weird, awkward, and uncomfortable, (Literally me everyday) but flashing that smile I mentioned earlier and speaking up will actually help you become more confident. Once you learn that you can fake it through almost any situation it will help boost your confidence the next time you're placed in that uncomfortable awkwardness.

6. Be kind to yourself
Your body is beautiful, keep your mind beautiful too. No one has the perfect body, perfect hair, and perfect eyes, but you are the perfect YOU. Keep reminding yourself that and if you don't believe it now, one day you will.

7. Sleep
If you're anything like me, convincing you to get a little extra sleep each night won't be a difficult task. This article explains how a lack of sleep causes stress and over sensitivity. If your craving a skinny Starbs latte and your friend isn't, chances are you're going to get more upset than if you just hit the sack a little earlier. The article explains that this leads to feelings of disconnect, frustration, and self doubt. So ladies hit the hay!

8. Keep a happy crew
If your friends are depressing you're probably depressing :( Surround yourself with happy and positive people with goals and ambitions. Don't hang out with the lazy crowd and the junkies. Positivity spreads like wildfire. Feed from it.

Stay tuned for more on how to boost your confidence. Till then!

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