Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Kappa Delta Konfidence

High Point University's Kappa Delta Sorority holds 150 sisters that are all bouncing with self-confidence. 

Now, I'm still not sure if it is irony or fate, but I myself am one of these sisters.

When I chose Kappa Delta I had no debate in my head over which sorority I wanted, I simply knew KD was home. Throughout the rush process I never understood what it was that drew me towards this specific house of girls, I just knew it was where I wanted to be. 

The girls were happy and friendly and I felt welcomed and accepted. I looked up to the girls and knew they were the type of people I wanted to surround myself with. They were incredibly involved around campus taking on many leadership roles in a big variety of clubs and earning A's in all of their classes. They told me they have had the highest GPA on campus for the past 20 years and have earned an award for being the number one sorority on campus numerous times. 

So, what made all of these girls so great?

When I started to attend member education classes and learn about my new sorority, I discovered that one of their main foundations and platforms for is confidence. Ironic, right? The sister's goals are to inspire each other to be more confident in themselves. They work in the community and hold work workshops to help teach young girls to believe in themselves. When one girl is down, the sorority picks them back up together. 

From the outside looking in, I could never understand it. But now being apart of this amazing organization I finally understand what it was that made me so attracted to this sorority, their confidence. 

How many times have I said it? Confidence is key! The sorority is so confident and involved and inspiring because of this. 

People are attracted to other people who believe in themselves.

This is a clear example and lesson to learn. Be confident. Whether you know it or not, people will take notice and people will appreciate it. 


Thursday, October 8, 2015

The Konfident Code

For decades women have been stepping backs and letting the men control the game.

For some crazy reason, women are less self assured than men, statistically proven. Despite great efforts and the success of millions of women, there still lies a substantial gab in our confidence levels.

According to a Harvard scholar, this difference can play a big role in explaining differences in academic success, career choices, and job progression.

The scholar says their is data on college graduates that shows women are less likely to apply for jobs with competitive compensation schemes. In the end this boxes women out of many jobs with high paying salaries. He explains that this is why careers in fields such as finance are traditionally dominated by men. 

This is where us women, striving to be confident and successful come in. Below are some tips on how to break this stereotype of sitting back and letting men dominate, and how to lose that confidence gap. 

1. Dress for success
2. Understand and accept that we are all created equal
3. Put your thoughts in place. Think positive. Believe you can do it.
4. Know your goal. Knowing what you want is key, and go from there.
5. Be thankful. Understand you are blessed by all the opportunities that come your way.
6. Bounce back. Don't let failure hold you down. 
7. Find a mentor. Look up to the billions of other successful women out there. 
8. Surround yourself with good people. Have companions that raise you higher, not bring you down.
9. Do your homework. Study up before a job interview. Prepare. Take notes.
10. Breathe. Destress. Relax.

Don't add to the statistics, break them. 

XO *